Mordecai Ham
1501 - 2000 AD

Mordecai Ham

Under his preaching I have seen murderers saved, drunkards converted, homes reunited, and men and women dedicate their lives for special service.” Billy Graham was converted under Mordecai Ham’s preaching….

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Henry Clay Morrison
1501 - 2000 AD

Henry Clay Morrison

…The rugged religious atmosphere and the constant spirit of revival throughout the Blue Grass region made a profound impression upon him. It awakened his consciousness to his need of Christ…

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Dallas Billington
1501 - 2000 AD

Dallas Billington

…independent Baptist churches across America. Dr. Billington’s messages were plain, simple, to the point, and masterfully illustrated. He always preached with the invitation in view and was used of God…

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William Bell Riley
1501 - 2000 AD

William Bell Riley

…he founded on October 2, 1902. The school is known for the hundreds of ministers and missionaries who are trained in its classrooms. Dr. Riley authored at least sixty volumes,

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John Edward Brown
1501 - 2000 AD

John Edward Brown

…in California. Dr. Brown will be remembered for his messages on the Holy Spirit. Many of those messages are compiled in one of the more than forty books he authored,…

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Lee Roberson
2001 - Current

Lee Roberson

…churches around America until her death in 2005. An email with the subject, “Dr. Lee Roberson, home with the Lord” was sent by his son John. “This morning, April 29,…

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John Bunyan Christian Hall of Fame
1501 - 2000 AD

John Bunyan

…driving rain on horseback to London to preach. He was always a poor man, yet through his example, his ministry, and especially his pen, he bequeathed inestimable riches to posterity….

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Evan Roberts
1501 - 2000 AD

Evan Roberts

…closed, the churches were filled daily. Fire spread until all Wales was brought in repentence to its knees at the cross. Roberts’ life ministry was burned out in the short…

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Reuben Robinson
1501 - 2000 AD

Reuben (Uncle Bud) Robinson

…the following request he prayed each morning: “O Lord, give me a backbone as big as a sawlog and ribs like sleepers under the church floor; put iron shoes on…

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Girolamo Savonarola
1001 - 1500 AD

Girolamo Savonarola

…Savonarola’s preaching and his immense popularity with the common people. They elected him to be the city manager. Pope Alexander VI offered him a cardinal’s position if he would quit…

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