John Norris
1501 - 2000 AD

John Franklyn Norris

…old West gave him life’s direction. As a boy he was shot three times when horse thieves were attacking his father because he testified against the gang. Mrs. Norris knew…

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Ulrich Zwingli
1501 - 2000 AD

Ulrich Zwingli

…of Martin Luther. The break was completed in 1525 when he replaced the Roman Mass with the first Reformed Communion service at his church. Later he removed images, relics and…

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1501 - 2000 AD

Richard Baxter

…at Ludlow Castle. His eager mind found abundant nourishment in the large library of the castle. Later, he was persuaded to enter court life in London, but returned home to…

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Robert Shuler
1501 - 2000 AD

Robert Pierce Shuler

…paralleled the growth of the population on the West Coast with its “rootless” people from all parts of America. These masses found in him a “champion of the common man,”…

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John Knox Christian Hall of Fame
1501 - 2000 AD

John Knox

…all children. Stalker wrote that nothing bears more distinctly the impress of Knox’s genius as does the Book of Discipline. “It comes away in a single gush, and it causes

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1501 - 2000 AD

Louis Bauman

…Jones, Multnomah, Grace Seminary and other conservative schools. His gifted pen contributed many articles to the Sunday School Times, King’s Business, Moody Monthly, and The Brethren Missionary Herald. He authored…

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Martin Dehaan
1501 - 2000 AD

Martin R De Haan

completed training at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. He pastored two churches in Grand Rapids which grew rapidly under his clear and forceful preaching. The Lord endowed him with…

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1501 - 2000 AD

George Fox

…with fists and stones, brutally struck with pike staves, hard beset by mobs, incarcerated eight times in the pestilential jails, prisons, castles and dungeons: yet he went straight forward with…

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John Huss
1501 - 2000 AD

John Huss

…some Popes had been heretics. At once Huss was branded a heretic, ex-communicated, and his writings were suppressed. He found refuge outside Prague, where he continued to preach, write and…

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T.T. Martin
1501 - 2000 AD

T.T. Martin

…not accommodate the crowds. Soon invitations began to come from all sections of the country. In order to fill the many requests, he gathered around him a group of evangelists…

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