Benajah Harvey Carroll
1501 - 2000 AD

Benajah Harvey Carroll

…in an age of denominational debates, he possessed a lovable nature. He once said, “When I come to know a man and love him as a friend and a brother,…

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Warren Wiersbe
2001 - Current

Dr. Warren Wiersbe

…in the lives of so many. Wiersbe wrote over 160 individual books. His most famous, the “Be” series of commentaries covering all of the Old and New Testaments, has sold…

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1501 - 2000 AD

Lee Scarborough

completion of his seminary work at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1900, Scarborough pastored in Texas for the next eight years. In 1908 he went to Southwestern…

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Elmer Deal
2001 - Current

Elmer Lee Deal

…up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already unto harvest.” On September 11, 1954, he and Mary surrendered their lives to reach the people of…

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WIlliam Scroggie
1501 - 2000 AD

William Graham Scroggie

…advantages. He grew up among the brethren, and after a few years in business he entered Spurgeon’s College in London at the age of nineteen to train for the Baptist…

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0 - 500

Chrysostom (John of Antioch)

…the leading church. During his ten year pastorate there he taught the scriptures and wrote commentaries. He was made Archbishop of Constantinople in 397 and preached there for six years…

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A.B. Simpson
1501 - 2000 AD

A.B. Simpson

A.B. Simpson 1844 – 1919 A. B. Simpson was born in Canada of Scottish parents. He became a Presbyterian minister and pastored several churches in Ontario. Later he accepted the…

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Charles Spurgeon
1501 - 2000 AD

Charles Hadden Spurgeon

…illustration is like a house without windows. Before his death in 1892 he had published more than two thousand sermons and forty-nine volumes of commentaries, sayings, anecdotes, illustrations, and devotions….

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Billy Sunday
1501 - 2000 AD

William Ashley (Billy) Sunday

…for Christ – the drunken, the down and out, the homeless, the common man. His blazing-fisted bare-handed evangelism lives in American history. He was probably a factor in preparing the…

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Absalom Earle
1501 - 2000 AD

Absalom Backus Earle

…the Lord to enter the evangelistic ministry. The next fifty-eight years of his life were spent holding meetings in the United States (every state) and Canada. He held 39,330 services,

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