Rodney (Gypsy) Smith
Rodney (Gypsy) Smith 1860 – 1947 Evangelist Gypsy Smith was born in England and his mother died when he was a small boy. His father
Dr. Harold Henniger
Canton Baptist Temple
Canton, OH
The Christian Hall of Fame was born in my mind as I lay in Aultman Hospital recovering from a heart attack which I experienced in November, 1964. After reading the 11th chapter of Hebrews, I heard a radio announcement referring to the Professional Football Hall of Fame which is located in our city. The idea came to me that we should put “God’s Heroes” on display in our church: the men who through the centuries have stood for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.
The Christian Hall of Fame was born in my mind as I lay in Aultman Hospital recovering from a heart attack which I experienced in November, 1964. After reading the 11th chapter of Hebrews, I heard a radio announcement referring to the Professional Football Hall of Fame which is located in our city. The idea came to me that we should put "God's Heroes" on display in our church: the men who through the centuries have stood for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.
The following Christian artists were commissioned to paint the original oil portraits: Dr. Peter Ruckman of Pensacola, Florida; Dr. Harold Wittig of Ramsey, New Jersey; Mr. Carl Blair and Mr. Emory Bopp, members of the Art Faculty of Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina; Mrs. Shirley Henly of Tennessee Temple Schools, Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Mrs. Evelyn Carter of Monroe, Michigan. Other artists who painted portraits in the Christian Hall of Fame include: Phyllis Gibbons and Bob Davis.
The Christian Hall of Fame is designed to trace the progress of Biblical Christianity from the closing of the New Testament Canon down through the centuries until this present hour. Among these men are early church fathers, reformers, missionaries, pastors, scholars, and evangelists. Though differing in background, education, method, and field of ministry, these men had in common an unswerving devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and a complete dedication to His Word. The main purpose of the Christian Hall of Fame is inspirational, not merely educational. It is our prayer that as a result of viewing the likenesses of these men and reading the biographies, many will be inspired to carry the blood-stained banner of the cross around the world as missionaries; that men will be called into the ministry to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ; and that all will be led to a life dedicated to the honor of Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, even our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory.
To that end this project is dedicated.
Rodney (Gypsy) Smith 1860 – 1947 Evangelist Gypsy Smith was born in England and his mother died when he was a small boy. His father
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