John Knox Christian Hall of Fame
1501 - 2000 AD

John Knox

and damnation” to Queen Mary of Scotland and also to Bloody Mary, Queen of England. Of him it was said, “Here is one who never feared the face of man.”…

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John Huss
1501 - 2000 AD

John Huss

…some Popes had been heretics. At once Huss was branded a heretic, ex-communicated, and his writings were suppressed. He found refuge outside Prague, where he continued to preach, write and

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Theodore Epp
1501 - 2000 AD

Theodore Epp

…this program. As a follow-up to the radio ministry, two monthly magazines – the Good News Broadcaster for adults, and Young Ambassador for youth – were added as literature supplements….

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John Wycliffe
1001 - 1500 AD

John Wycliffe

…preached?” Wycliffe once answered, “Appropriately, simply, directly, and from a devout, sincere heart.” Finally prohibited by the Bishop of London from preaching, Wycliffe confined himself to writing and translating the…

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Peter Cartwright
1501 - 2000 AD

Peter Cartwright

…wherever people would open their homes, because “meeting houses” were few. This was the beginning of his long career as a circuit-riding Methodist preacher. Cartwright was a “hellfire and brimstone”…

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Adrian Rogers
2001 - Current


DR. ADRIAN ROGERS (1931 – 2005) Known for his evangelistic zeal and uncompromising commitment to the Word of God, Adrian Rogers (September 12, 1931 – November 15, 2005) was one…

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Menno Simons
1501 - 2000 AD

Menno Simons

…leader. In his church discipline, which was drawn from the Swiss Baptists, silent prayer was common, and sermons were without texts. He taught that neither Baptism nor Communion conferred grace…

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1501 - 2000 AD

George Whitefield

…his efforts, but would alternate between spells of “saint” and “sinner.” He met the Wesleys, and they became close friends. Because this was previous to John’s own conversion, what they…

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Andoniram Judson Gordon
1501 - 2000 AD

Andoniram Judson Gordon

…Spirit in a three-fold aspect: sealing, filling, and anointing. Among his better known hymns are: “My Jesus, I Love Thee” and “I Shall See the King in His Beauty.” On…

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Oliver Boyce Greene
1501 - 2000 AD

Oliver Boyce Greene

…by his taped messages. Dr. Greene was a prolific author, writing and publishing many verse-by-verse commentaries on the Bible in addition to numerous sermon books and soul winning booklets. The…

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