T.T. Martin
1501 - 2000 AD

T.T. Martin

…not accommodate the crowds. Soon invitations began to come from all sections of the country. In order to fill the many requests, he gathered around him a group of evangelists…

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John Norris
1501 - 2000 AD

John Franklyn Norris

…geographically by thirteen hundred miles. During those years the attendance of each Sunday School reached over 5,000 weekly under the leadership of one pastor, and constituted the world’s largest Sunday…

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1501 - 2000 AD

George Whitefield

…had to offer was strict legalism. He would deny himself all physical comfort by fasting and refusing to do things he enjoyed. After one period of fasting, he physically collapsed,…

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Peter Cartwright
1501 - 2000 AD

Peter Cartwright

…and after several weeks of deep agony and contrition, he was “soundly converted” at an outdoor revival meeting. His new faith completely changed his life, and Cartwright immediately began to…

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Menno Simons
1501 - 2000 AD

Menno Simons

…leader. In his church discipline, which was drawn from the Swiss Baptists, silent prayer was common, and sermons were without texts. He taught that neither Baptism nor Communion conferred grace…

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Ulrich Zwingli
1501 - 2000 AD

Ulrich Zwingli

…of Martin Luther. The break was completed in 1525 when he replaced the Roman Mass with the first Reformed Communion service at his church. Later he removed images, relics and…

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1501 - 2000 AD

Richard Baxter

…at Ludlow Castle. His eager mind found abundant nourishment in the large library of the castle. Later, he was persuaded to enter court life in London, but returned home to…

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Robert Shuler
1501 - 2000 AD

Robert Pierce Shuler

…paralleled the growth of the population on the West Coast with its “rootless” people from all parts of America. These masses found in him a “champion of the common man,”…

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1501 - 2000 AD

Melvin Ernest Trotter

…the verge of self-destruction, Mel ventured into the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago where he heard the Gospel. That night he responded to the invitation to receive Christ as his…

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Henry Clay Morrison
1501 - 2000 AD

Henry Clay Morrison

…The rugged religious atmosphere and the constant spirit of revival throughout the Blue Grass region made a profound impression upon him. It awakened his consciousness to his need of Christ…

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