Frances Asbury
1501 - 2000 AD

Frances Asbury

…then he inquired (perhaps rhetorically), “Who will go?” Immediately a young man of twenty-six sprang to his feet. The following year, Asbury was appointed by Wesley as “general assistant” in…

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WIlliam Scroggie
1501 - 2000 AD

William Graham Scroggie

…the next two difficult years, when he lived with little support, he laid the foundation of all his subsequent work. After pastorates in England, Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, the…

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1501 - 2000 AD

Charles Edward Fuller

…Beach, California, where it drew huge audiences. At the time of Dr. Fuller’s death in March 1968, the broadcast was heard on more than five hundred stations around the world….

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John Huss
1501 - 2000 AD

John Huss

…some Popes had been heretics. At once Huss was branded a heretic, ex-communicated, and his writings were suppressed. He found refuge outside Prague, where he continued to preach, write and…

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